It all started with a small aquarium in the year 2000 when I was 9. It was nothing
short of a life-changing experience for me. The Turbo Snail was busy munching up
the bad Algae on the glass of the aquarium; a Yellow Tang was busy grazing on one
of the corals, a Sailfin chasing away competition, Percula Clowns sneaking up from
their host Anemones! The aquarium had so much of color and life in it. Nothing stood
still, and each one of the living beings went about their work, quietly and gently.
I wanted to let you know that the Australian Yellow tangs arrived safe and sound.
I acclimated it to my home system and, as expected, it promptly got its butt kicked
by a Fox Face Rabbit and Regal Tang. However, since it came from you, it was fat
and sassy and not only able to take the repeated beatings, but it would even defend
itself by aiming its dorsal spines at the bullies.
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